Saturday, 2 July 2016

Looping constructs

Looping constructs
v  The following loop constructs are supported by C#:
Ø  The while loop
Ø  The do…while loop
Ø  The for loop

Ø  foreach loop

The while loop

The while statement executes a statement or a block of statements until a specified expression evaluates to false.
It should be used if number of iteration is not known

using System;

namespace while_loop
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a Number");
            int numb = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int reverse = 0;
            while (numb > 0)
                int rem = numb % 10;
                reverse = (reverse * 10) + rem;
                numb = numb / 10;

            Console.WriteLine("Reverse number={0}", reverse);

The do…while loop

Unlike while loops, which test the loop condition at the start of the loop, the do...while loop checks its condition at the end of the loop.

A do...while loop iterates the elements for the infinite number of times like while loop. But, code is executed at least once whether condition is true or false.


using System;
namespace do_while
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int table, i, res;
            table = 12;
            i = 1;
               res = table * i;
               Console.WriteLine("{0} x {1} = {2}", table, i, res);
     // must put semi-colon(;) at the end of while condition in do...while loop.
            while (i <= 10);



The for loop

The for loop iterates the elements for the fixed number of times. It should be used if number of iteration is known.


using System;
namespace for_loop
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int i;
            for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("2 * "+i+" = "+2*i);


foreach loop

foreach loop is a different kind of looping constructs in C# programming that doesn’t includes initialization, termination and increment/decrement characteristics. It uses collection to take value one by one and then processes them.


using System;

namespace foreach_loop
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] name = new string[5]; // declaring array

            //Storing value in array element
            name[0] = "amit";
            name[1] = "anil";
            name[2] = "jay";
            name[3] = "anuj";
            name[4] = "akshay";

            //retrieving value using foreach loop
            foreach (string n in name)
                Console.WriteLine("Hello " + n);


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